人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome unit Listening and talking 课件(18张ppt)

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人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome unit Listening and talking 课件(18张ppt)

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(共18张PPT)Welcome UnitReflect on your learning styles and strategiesListening and talkingvocabulariesPPT下载 http://www./xiazai/1.curious adj.好奇的;求知欲强的I'm curious about everything.我对一切都很好奇。(1)be curious about sth. 对某事感到好奇be curious to do sth. 极想做某事(2)curiosity n. 好奇心out of curiosity 出于好奇meet one's curiosity 满足某人的好奇心(3)curiously adv. 好奇地2.forward / f :w d /adv. (also forwards)向前;前进He took two steps forward. 他向前走了两步。They ran forward to welcome her. 他们跑向前去欢迎她。adj. 向前的;前进的 [只用于名词前]the forward movement of history 历史的向前发展the plane's forward door飞机前舱门look forward to (doing) sth. 盼望(做);期待(做)Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student. 汤姆期待着见到新来的交换生。(3.flash /[fl /n. 闪光; 信号use flash cards 使用识字卡Flash card is very useful to students. 教学卡片对学生很有用。a flash of lightning 一道闪电in a flash一瞬间The answer had come to him in a flash. 他一下子就有了答案。vi. 闪耀; 闪光;发出信号Lightning flashed in the distance. 远处电光闪闪。vt. 使闪耀;使闪光;发出(信号)Why is that driver flashing his lights at us 为什么那个司机向我们闪着车灯?4. strategyn.兵法,战略学,战略,策略例句:By his elbow, a delicate Siamese conned a handbook of strategy.邻座上,一位纤弱的暹罗人正在那里展卷精读一部兵法手册。例句:Community involvement is now integral to company strategy.参与社会活动如今已是公司战略中必不可少的内容4. strategyn.兵法,战略学,战略,策略词义辨析:tactic , strategy这两个名词均有“策略,战术”之意。 tactic(s)在军事上指在战场或军事行动中如何用兵的具体战术,多暗示指挥员在场具体指挥;也指为完成某计划而采取的策略或手段。 strategy指全局性的前线战略部署,也可指为达到某种目的而采取的策略。5. improvev.改善;增进;改进;发展;提高improve in sth 在某方面好转improve on 对……作出改进;比……有了改进improve oneself in sth 在某方面有进步make an improvement in 在某方面作改进There be an improvement in... 在某方面有进步/好转There is still room for improvement. 仍有改进的余地6. organize n. organization 组织; 团体; 机构vt. 组织; 筹备; 安排;组建How does Li Ming organize his thoughts 李明是如何组织他的想法的?to organize a meeting /party /trip/ competition /club组织筹备会议 / 聚会 / 旅行/比赛/俱乐部We'll organize some students into the basketball team. 我们将组织一些学生参加篮球队。His speech is well organized. 他的演讲很有条理。vi. 组建;成立He has the ability to organize. 他很有组织才能。

7. goal n. 目标; 球门; 射门I have learning goals and make plans for my English studies. 我有学习目标,并为我的英语学习制定计划。Our goal is to raise as much money as possible for the project.我们的目的是为这个项目筹集到尽可能多的资金。He scored the winning goal. 他踢进了制胜的一球。Lead-inSince you’ve been a student for many years, what is your most effective way of learning work in groupslisten to the teacher and take noteswatch videosuse flash cardsmake mind mapskeep a learning diaryListeningTask1 Since you’ve been a student for many years,what is your most effective way of learning work in groupslisten to the teacher and take noteswatch videosuse flash cardsmake mind mapskeep a learning diary√√√√Task 2 Listen to their conversation again and takenotes on their learning strategies.1. Why does Amy like group work 2. How does Li Ming organize his thoughts 3. Does Li Ming like to keep a learning diary Why or why not Because she is an outgoing person, so she likes to discuss things. Talking to others helps her remember things.Li Ming organizes his thoughts by making mind maps.Yes, he does. Because it helps him plan his learning and what he needs to review for exams.Task 3 Discussion and talking1. What is Li Ming’s learning style What are the typical learning strategies does a visual learner like to use Li Ming is a visual learner.A visual learner learns best through visual information.listen to the teacher and take notes;use flash cards;make mind mapskeep a learning diaryTask 3 Discussion and talking2.What is Amy’s learning style What are the typical learning strategies does an auditory learner like to use Amy is an auditory learner.An auditory learner learns best by hearing lectures and instructions.discuss with othersReflect on your learning strategiesTask 1 How do you learn English Rate the learning methods below.1. I have learning goals and make plans for my English studies .2. I exchange learning experience with my classmates.3. I take notes while listening and reading.4. I read English newspapers and magazines.5. I write down new words in my notebook and review them often.6. I use dictionaries to check for new words.7. I like to write about what I read or hear in English.8. I like to watch movies in English.Task 2 What other effective methods do you usewhen learning English I listen to songs in English.I keep a diary in English.I talk with native speakers when possible....Work in pairs.Share your ideas with your partners and discuss the questions.1.What learning strategies do you and your partners share 2.What is the best strategy for you to learn new words How about grammar 3.What is the best way for you to improve your reading skills How about writing






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